Bourse Life specialises in providing bespoke insurance solutions tailored to the needs of high-net-worth (HNW) individuals and their families.
Why Choose Bourse Life?
Benefits from Guernsey policyholder protection regime
Flexibility in respect of choice of Investment Manager.
All policyholder funds are unit-linked
No Guernsey taxation on Policyholder funds
Allows Bond to be used as security
The Executive Portfolio Bond is designed for non-UK residents seeking a flexible and highly personalised investment option. This bond structure allows you to tailor your investment portfolio to suit your individual financial goals and preferences, while benefiting from the security and advantages of a bond framework.
The Executive Investment Bond offers a tax-efficient solution for holding a diverse portfolio of investments. For UK residents, the Bond acts as an investment vehicle for individuals to invest in listed securities and other regulated products, benefiting from the UK's offshore bond regime.
The Bourse Retirement Annuity Contract is a Guernsey-approved retirement annuity scheme, in line with section 175A of The Income Tax (Guernsey) Law, 1975, as amended. This scheme qualifies as a Qualifying Non-UK Pension Scheme (QNUPS) under section 271A of the Inheritance Tax Act 1984, providing tax-efficient pension options for individuals seeking long-term retirement planning solutions outside the UK.
Bourse Life offers a range of flexible, unit-linked annuities designed to give annuitants control over the value and frequency of their payments. These annuities provide financial stability through a licensed life insurance company, and include options for short-term, fixed-term, and lifetime plans.
The Company is licensed by the Guernsey Financial Services Commission (the “Commission”) and the following condition has been imposed on the Company’s licence:
“As set out under Section 12 of the Insurance Business (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law, 2002 the Company is required to appoint a Guernsey-based trustee who shall be responsible for safeguarding the Company’s assets and assets representing at least 90% of policyholder liabilities must be held in trust. The Company requires the appointed trustee to report full details of the assets held by it to the Commission on a quarterly basis. The Company’s Trustee is Independent Fiduciary Services Limited.”
Bourse Life complies with the Insurance Business (Public Disclosure of Information) Rules, 2024.